SBI School
Junior High School 1 Tulungagung is one of one hundred School which by government made as an
It is using 2 Ianguage to study for Mathematics and Science which is the items come from Directorate General in Jakarta and the Reference book from School including are Worksheet. SBI Student also can to coverse and hear about English and also can to operate Computer or Notebook. Study in SBI class also use LCD. And every student must have Flashdisk and always bring it everyday. Besides, student also can Access Internet, Owning E - Mail Or FS ( Friendster ) and can do chatting and also copy and paste files.
Because in this Junior High School is blazing the way International Standart School, so every student have to using English as the second language for SBI’s Student or Regular Student. Hence from that in every SBI’s class, SBI Office, Staff Room and Teachers Room in article tide " ENGLISH SPEAKING AREA " it’s mean that teacher and students are residing in vinicity have to use English as Communications Language.
Don’t under developed, Study in SBI class don’t too strained. Become, residing in that SBI class can be easy going but remain to really - really. Because, that SBI students of its responsibility is very big. Study in SBI’s class begins at 07.00 A.M - 03.00 P.M. Because the teachers also know their students too tired, so there are no Homework and Assignments for the SBI’s student. Because time at home only for study.
So, that's enjoying of residing in RSBI class. We should be able to make our School become to pre-eminent in all area in Tulungagung Regency and International or National Even too. So, often for the readers (Including Teachers and Students ) always try to use English as Language Communications.
By : Nisa in 8 B
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